Department of Basic Science and Humanities


Basic Sciences is a bridge that connects pure science with engineering practices. It aims to provide a strong foundation for engineering students. The Department of Basic Sciences is one of the integral parts of the University. The department offers basic courses in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English in order to cater the needs of young technocrats. The Department has well equipped laboratories Physics Laboratory, Chemistry Laboratory, Language Laboratory. These laboratories enable faculty and students to employ fundamental principles, create innovative solutions which are then handed off to engineering disciplines to be refined, enhanced and used to address important problems.

The department is rapidly expanding in multidisciplinary research. Faculty members of the department have got a good spectrum of publication in collaboration with other engineering departments. 

The department caters to the all round development and academic needs of students by providing guidance and psychological counseling sessions, language testing services. Apart from this, lectures and seminars are conducted on personality development, stress management, study skills and life planning for students as well as faculty.


To harmonize higher education with excellence in science to integrate technologies, with human values of equality, compassion and contribute to livelihood security and sustainable social development.


To be a destination of choices for world class qualitative higher education of excellence with relevance, and focus on creating competent professionals with basic domain knowledge and skills with human values through interactive learning.

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