Once a GIETian, always a GIETian. Near or far.

On this page, you’ll find updates from our global alumni communities, as well as information on how to join the GIETU global alumni network.

A GIETian is a GIETian for life, no matter how far apart they are from each other. So, we are happy to have graduates from all over the world. Our goal is to keep you linked to GIETU long after you leave Odisha and help you carry the university spirit with you wherever you go.

Our international alumni volunteers are among the most active and engaged alumni, giving significantly both financially and in terms of their time. In addition, our overseas alumni can become involved in various ways, including joining a local GIETU Club or gifting to the university.

There are numerous methods to join the GIETU international alumni network. You can begin by contacting your local Alumni Ambassador or Committee. Whether you’re an alumnus going to another country, a current student wanting to leave India after graduation, or a prospective student seeking advice from local graduates, they’d love to hear from you.

Alumni Committees

Former GIETU students give their time to serve on alumni committees. The committees allow alumni to stay in touch with the university and one another. In addition, members of the committee help plan events, volunteer as mentors, provide a work placement opportunity and assist with recruitment efforts.

The GIETU network’s reach is ever-expanding and formidable. So please stay in touch! We’d want to recognise your achievements, so please let us know about your future activities. We enjoy seeing photos and learning about your attendance. Send us your success stories, and we’ll post them on the Alumni Interaction and Achievements page.

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