Its indeed a great pleasure in putting forth the brief replica of aims, objectives, environment, infrastructure, facilities, faculty and research of Department of EEE, School of Engineering & Technology, GIET University.
We, the Team – EEE are working with the following objectives:
The faculty members are encouraged to publish research papers in reputed journals, participate in Faculty Development Program and workshop through a well-supported system.
The department preserves its achievements and publish its all activities by a monthly magazine “Campus Connect”
With the globalization of economy, opportunities for scientist-engineers are immense. Engineers must therefore pursue and enhance their engineering career, to realize the opportunities that the globalized world is presenting.
Engineers have contributed greatly to technology in the past and we are convinced that the department of EEE, in not so distant a future, will be in the forefront of technological progress, given the right inputs during their formative years. Cantered around this philosophy, the vision for the 21st Century and the pragmatism shown by the management to turn this into a reality are palpable at every step, the moment you step into GIET campus.
We have several projects underway to establish us as the world class technological institute. GIET is the well planned, beautifully developed and neatly maintained campus that provides every facility & atmosphere to study and build up career for the students. Our well qualified & experienced faculty members discharge the knowledge to the students whole-heartedly and devotedly.
The concept of ‘Guardian Teacher’ for every 15 students, teachers help them in academic as well as domestic problems and motivate them for achieving excellent career. We are in constant touch with parents and keep informing the performance of their wards through correspondence, dialogues and meeting. Along with studies, students have the facility to develop themselves in allied interests like indoor and outdoor sports, reading and cultural activities.
While perusing the academic excellence, we also take every care of all round personality development leading towards excellence career by paying personal attention to every individual student. We also have the training and placement office where the efforts of students are enchased by getting a very good job offer in reputed organizations even before the final result. Notably excellent result in every examination and students migrating from nearby towns, cities and state of India is the acknowledgement of our efforts and encouragement for further development.
Wishing you all the very best for every success and bright future.