B. Tech in Petrochem and Petroleum Refinery Engineering

Innovative Teaching

The department of Petrochemical and Petroleum Engineering at GIET University has a dedicated, qualified and experienced faculty and supporting staff. The sole aim of the faculty is to use different pedagogical techniques to create an interest among the students of their curriculum. The following are the various innovative teaching methods employed by the faculty for the delivery of the course:

Lecture method and Interactive Learning

The faculty make use of audio-visual aids like PowerPoint presentations, video lectures etc. to make the course work interesting and visually appealing. Students learn difficult concepts through means of analogy, real-world examples and so on.

  • Students are encouraged to clarify their doubts during the lecture hour itself.
  • Tutorial sessions for difficult topics are done by faculty members separately.

During the lecture hour, the initial few minutes are devoted to revising topics taught in the previous class. This ensures that students get a continuity of the previous day topics. Accordingly, the last few minutes of a class is used to give a summary of the current class. This ensures that all doubts of the students are cleared proactively.

Hi-Tech classroom

  • All the classrooms are equipped with a projector facility.
  • All laboratories and classrooms have Wi-Fi access with an air conditioning facility.


Library and Laboratory facilities

Students have access to every facility in the form of an in-house library that is endowed with the latest and updated version of books and journals. The department also has six well-equipped laboratories which are Geology laboratory, Rock museum, Rock-eval pyrolysis laboratory, seismic work station laboratory, Petroleum Analysis Laboratory and Petroleum Engineering Laboratory.

Visiting Faculty

To make sure that the students are constantly updated about the latest demands of the job market. The department invites a host of visiting faculties and industry experts from prominent institutions. Some of the important institutions include Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Oil India Limited (OIL), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), Cairn India, Essar Oil Limited, etc.

Other innovative methods adopted by the faculty are:

  • The department constantly encourages the students to get involved in various societies. Some of these societies are the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the American Association of Drilling Engineers and American Rock Mechanics Association and so on.
  • The curriculum is regularly updated to meet the needs of the highly volatile oil and gas industry.
  • The focus is on Project-based Experiential Learning. This is done through research work and innovative projects.
  • Students are encouraged to apply for internship opportunities with industry giants like ONGC, Reliance Petroleum, John Energy, Cairn India, Oil Field Instrumentation and so on.
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