GIET University, Gunupur (formerly known as Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology) was established by “Vidya Bharati Educational Trust,” Gunupur, Odisha, India in the year 1997. Since inception, the Trust promotes Technical Education in India with a motto of providing Quality Education in a highly disciplined and conducive environment with International Standards.
The Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Department of GIET University is focused on finding solutions to interdisciplinary research problems that will have a great societal impact. The philosophy of research at the department is to find sustainable solutions to the problems of the modern world. The BCA department is committed to research as an investment in the future. This emphasis on research continues to push the boundaries of innovation and discovery. The following are the main areas of research that the BCA Department is focused on:
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers now predict that computers will be able to perform tasks that were once considered the prerogative of human beings. This includes everyday tasks such as driving vehicles, translating languages, creating art, analyzing forensic evidence, among others. Although some of these goals are predicted to happen over several decades, AI is concerned with principles and algorithms that allow researchers to make such bold predictions. Current methods focus on variants of deep learning—such as convolutional nets, recurrent nets, autoencoders, and adversarial networks—as well as on the methods of probabilistic graphical models.
Data Mining
This area explores efficient storage, retrieval, analysis, and visualization of data for analysis and pattern discovery. This encompasses a wide range of topics that include improved indexing and query languages, data compression, multimedia storage, and retrieval, data clustering, pattern matching, and high-dimensional data modeling. Specific research thrusts in the department include geographical databases, mapping models, anomaly and pattern detection, query processing, and spatial and scientific data mining for application domains like bioinformatics, cybersecurity, sensor networks, transportation, and the Web.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a major step toward organizing all aspects of computation as a public utility service. The major areas of research in this field are cloud infrastructure for data management, privacy and security in cloud data management, cloud-based mining and learning algorithms, cloud support for text mining and web search, large-scale natural language modeling and translation, performance evaluation, and benchmarking.
Hardware and Architecture
Hardware and software issues from the circuit to the system have three main foci: Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits and systems, computer architecture, and computer security. VLSI includes circuits and systems design, systems on a chip, testing, computer-aided design, and synthesis. Computer architecture deals with the study and design of computer systems to meet the functional, cost, and performance requirements of applications.
Network Science
The research in this field broadly includes the development of innovative theories and techniques, efficient and scalable mechanisms and protocols, and novel network architectures and services. These techniques enhance the availability, reliability, quality-of-service, mobility, manageability, privacy, and security for current and future Internet, emerging wireless, sensor, peer-to-peer systems, Grid systems and applications, large-scale storage networks, networked multimedia systems, and applications.