Course Delivery |
Attainment of PO’s |
Justification |
Lecturing |
1,2,3,4,8 |
Faculty of the CSE Department Effectively teaches students about a concerned subject.
- Faculty conveys significant information, history, background, theories, analogies and equations to make the concepts clear.
- Faculty relates engineering practice to the real world.
Tutorials |
1,2,9,10 |
Faculty helps the slow learners by solving more number of similar problems.
- Hand-outs will be given to the students.
- University question paper will be solved.
- Regular assignments will be given.
- Solutions to the assignment will be provided for the students.
Presentations (Still and Video) |
4,5,6,10 |
Presentations are given to illustrate ideas and concepts.
- Presentations give information with data relating to an issue.
- Videos effectively communicate the working of actual engineering solutions-long learning in the appropriate societal context.
Experimental and laboratory work |
2,3,5,9,10 |
Laboratory work demonstrates how theory can be verified by experiments through interpretation of results.
- Experiments are normally done in groups there by encouraging students to do team work.
Group tasks (Projects) |
4,7,9,10 |
Here the concepts of engineering that the student has understood in the course are showcased.
- This helps to do work in groups effectively.
Hand-outs |
1,2 |
Gives a quick insight to the course.
- It helps the slow learners to face the exams with confidence.
Teaching – Learning Processes
Adherence to Academic Calendar:
- In the beginning of every academic year, the academic calendar is framed and issued to the faculty members.
- An academic calendar is framed based on the discussions with the Controller of Examinations, Department Heads, Departmental club coordinator, Department level consultative committee and other decision-makers. The framing is carried out at least 15 days before the commencement of the academic year. The calendar is printed and handed over to the students at the beginning of the academic year.
- The calendar provides information about the Vision, Mission and quality policy of the institution and department. The calendar lists the details of amenities, and Research center available to students. The awards received by students and faculty members are also briefed in the calendar. Rules and regulations pertaining to the hostel, library, classrooms and other areas within the campus are
The academic schedule provides:
- Date of commencement of the academic session
- Commencement of class tests
- Commencement of mid-semester examinations
- Last instruction day
- Commencement of practical and end semester examinations
- Information regarding projects, seminar schedule
- Study period, and date of reopening of the forthcoming semester
- A schedule of conferences, workshops, guest lecturers is chalked out and included in the academic schedule to improve the quality of teaching- learning
Course Plan:
In the teaching-learning process, the course plan plays a vital role. It is prepared by each faculty member handling their respective courses 15 days prior to the commencement of every semester. The course plan for each of the course is scrutinized by the DAC and DCC under the guidance of the Head of the Department.
- Course plan includes course outcomes, teaching aids, teaching methods, learning outcomes, and mapping of outcomes and learning resources that can be effectively utilized for the best
- Based on the course plan, the delivery is recorded accordingly in the Lesson Progress Register (LPR) and reviewed by the Head of the Department.
- The teaching-learning process is evaluated based on the data recorded in the
All faculty members maintain the LPR for the course that they handle. It contains the following details:
- Institute vision
- Institute mission
- Timetable
- Syllabus
- Topics to be taught beyond the syllabus
- Course outcomes with learning outcomes
- Learning Resources developed
- Course delivery details and record of class work
- Record the attendance
- Analyse the performance of students in class tests
- Grade the students
- Maintain details about guidance and counselling given to the students
Classroom Teaching:
In the teaching-learning process, the lectures are delivered by the faculty member through a set of teaching aids and adopting various teaching methods.
Teaching Aids:
Chalk & Board, Power Point Presentation, Video Film, Models, Charts, Animation, etc.
Teaching Methods:
- Lecture
- Group Discussion
- Seminar
- Quiz
- Team Teaching
- Demonstration
- Drill and Practice
- Industrial Visit
- Project
- On-line Learning Resources
- Tutorial
- Technical Training
- Smart Class Rooms
Lecture is an efficient and traditional method for delivering substantial amount of information and imparting knowledge to a large number of students. It provides a summary or synthesis of information from various sources. The faculty member ensures to kindle the student for exploring much more on the topic that is delivered with substantial amount of information.
The faculty member ensures that at least a small group of students among the batch are attracted towards the topic summarized and henceforth kindled towards the other modes of teaching aids. Faculty member explains the concepts, principles solutions to problems and applications of respective subject. Lectures create an interest in the subject among the students and kindly their creativity for application in the field.
Group Discussion:
Group removes shyness of students and develops their communication skill. It builds their self-confidence. It nurtures them to express their views regarding a subject in a polite manner.
Group discussions are arranged and facilitated by faculty members. At the end of a group discussion, the student members have clear and unbiased thoughts.
The curriculum in the autonomous stream is framed such that the student takes up a review of the previous course. The recollection of such topics can be effectively carried out by hosting a Group Discussion rather than a lecture course delivery.
This approach also paves way to improvise the communication and technical presentation skills of the students. The debate on topics by students effectively improvises the skills of the students. At times, the faculty member summarizes the topic for the non-participants of the group discussions such that they appreciate the need for recollection of the topic.
To enhance the teaching / technical delivery skills among individual students’ seminar sessions are arranged. The choice of the seminar topic is done in such a manner that certain topics post-lecture requires a marginal change for the consecutive concepts.
Seminars are designed for students to talk about topics in the particular course or lectures in detail. Seminars are a vital part of most academic courses and they give opportunity to students to discuss the topics in depth with other students, and with the faculty member.
The debate and argument with other students is very useful in developing their grasping and understanding ability of the subject.
Benefits associated with seminars include opportunities to:
- Learn novel approaches and ideas from peers
- Clarify the complex concepts
Periodical and quick assessment of the student’s understanding the concepts is carried out by conducting quiz program. The quiz is either an online one or the traditional paper mode. The scores are recorded for assessing the student’s understating of the concepts.
Team Teaching:
The unique teaching capability of each faculty member is tapped in this method. The variety of perceptions of the same subject by different experts is experienced by the students. The method effectively works for courses of higher levels where the students get a blend of knowledge on focused topics.
Learning engineering demands on demonstrations. Demonstrations need not be working models. Faculty members choose day-to-day essentials for demonstrations of engineering concepts. The approach is much suitable for basic level engineering courses so that the student recollects the basic concept each and every time he looks at the items.
Drill and Practices:
Despite following the innovative practices of course delivery, it’s at times necessary to impinge the traditional way of making the student to remember certain important formulae and steps involved in designing. One such approach which is involved is the drills and practices.
Industrial Visit:
Industrial visits represent one of the important attribute in any engineering undergraduate program that contribute to the achievement of various essential learning outcomes and program outcomes.
It provides the students an opportunity to learn practically through interaction, and by seeing the working methods and employment practices.
Engineering education gets itself a complete structure only after the completion of a real time project. The project can be either a prototype model or a working on a real-time industry project. While the former one is guided only by the academic professor and the later one is co-guided by the industry partner. The major outcome of the teaching aid is to make the students understand the work culture and adapt themselves in the industrial environment.
On-line Learning Resources
National Program of Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) provides E-learning through online web and video courses in engineering, science and Humanities streams. The mission of NPTEL is to enhance the quality of Engineering Education in the country by providing free online courseware.
SWAYAM is an instrument for self-actualization process. It provides opportunities for a life-long learning. A learner can choose from hundreds of courses. Every course that is taught at the university / college / school level is in virtual medium. The courses are taught by best teachers in India and elsewhere. A student studying in any college can transfer the credits earned by taking these courses into their academic record.
Tutorial classes are conducted to train the students in analytical subjects. The total strength of students is divided into two equal halves and two tutorial classes are handled by two faculty members, so that special concentration would be given to the weak students. Tutorial classes help the students to improve their analytical and problem-solving skills. Implementation of tutorial classes helps the students to clear analytical papers in semester end examination.
Technical Training:
Technical training enhances the students to get in-depth knowledge about their subject.
Technical training refreshes the basics which will be helpful for placement activities.
Specially designed training (soft skills, communication skills) is given to students. Such activities facilitate the students to win in job recruitment/placement.
SMART Class Rooms:
The academics use smart class rooms with ICT facility for delivering the lecture in a more efficient and effective manner.
Student’s interaction with Faculty members and Students’ Feedback
- At the end of each period, students are given enough time to interact with the faculty member for clarification, on the concepts explained in the session.
- This helps the students to get clear knowledge of the course content delivered by the faculty members.
- In addition to this, faculty advisors interact with the students allotted to them frequently and counsel the students when required. The faculty members involve in constructive discussions and activities to promote the students’ higher-order thinking skills.
- Students’ feedback will be taken in the starting and end of each semester for each subject. Based on the students’ feedback faculty members will be given counselling; pedagogy training and team teaching will be suggested for them.
Content beyond the Syllabus
- The faculty member who is teaching the course identifies the important and current topics that are not covered in the syllabus.
- In each theory course, students enrich their knowledge by learning the advanced concepts in the course that are not prescribed in the syllabus.
Utilization of Moodle and Black Board Software
- Course plans, Assignments, Quiz and course materials like PPTs, videos, documents are published in Black Board software for all the courses so that all the students can get the course materials at any time whenever they need.
Maintenance of Course File
- For each course, a course file is maintained by the concerned faculty member.
- It includes Faculty Record Book, question bank, assignment topics, Sample class tests & mid-semester examinations question papers and sample answer papers.
- Faculty Record Book includes the following:
- Vision and Mission Statements
- Learning outcomes
- Program Outcomes (POs)
- Course contents-Syllabus
- Course Outcomes (COs)
- Time Table
- Course Delivery
- COs to POs mapping matrix
- Modes of Content Delivery
- Assessment of COs
- Results of COs Attainments
- Quantifying the achievement of course outcomes
- Record of Attendance
- Details of Class Tests & Mid-Semester Examinations marks
- Details of follow-up action for all Class Tests & Mid-Semester Examinations
- Details of Seminars / Guest Lectures and Industrial Visits organized
MOOC courses for the faculty
- Each faculty member takes a MOOC courses in his/her area of specialization or in the subject being taught in the current semester.
- It helps the faculty member to enhance his/her skills in the specified subject area and through this they can also enhance the skill of students.
Lecture Capture System:
- Lecture Capture System is an automated audio-video recording system for class room lectures. It provides access to classroom video lectures and activities in online. Students can access the recorded video lectures and other materials from anywhere through laptops, tablets and Android platform by using URL: com& (Lectures available for authenticated users).
Invited Lectures:
- For each course besides regular lecture, the department interacts with the industry and academic experts to deliver the lecture to the students based on industry experience and recent trends.
Online Live Video Lectures:
- Online Live video lectures are telecast for the students’ easy understanding and latest updates.
- Video lectures are one of the main tools for delivering course content in an effective manner.
- It is during the process of creating a comprehensive instructional strategy in the course design phase, the instructor selects the best content delivery method.
- It is a visual image which makes the instructor as a real person to make the students interact effectively.
Quality of Laboratory Experience:
- As per the university guidelines 10-12 experiments are to be conducted. One or two experiments are conducted beyond the specified list for relevant courses.
- Laboratory manual explaining the details of the experiment, designing issues are available with the course teacher and are given to students at the commencement of the semester.
- Continuous assessment is done on the basis of submission of laboratory records, understanding of the experiment through oral viva voce questions and participation in performing the experiment.
Guidelines to identify weak students and mentoring system:
The faculty members regularly conduct meetings regarding progress of their mentees and are responsible to identify the students who scored less than 50% marks in their internals.
Under the HoD’s direction, the faculty advisors identify the students who score below 50% marks in three or more subjects and below 75% attendance. These students are considered as academically weak students and this fact intimated to their parents.
Students scoring less marks |
Special classes are being conducted after the regular college hours.
- Peer teaching is conducted by senior and fellow students.
- Counseling is given to the students by subject handling faculty, concerned faculty advisors, class counselors and HoD.
- Students’ performances are intimated to parents.
- Remedial measures (counseling, classes, retest, and tutorial) are taken.
Failures in End Semester Examinations |
Examination failure reasons are analyzed.
- Counseling is given to the student.
- Coaching classes are conducted before the commencement of end semester examination.
- Assignments are given for analytical courses.
- Discussion on important questions and question bank.
Guidelines to identify bright students and mentoring system:
Rank Holders, Semester Toppers & Subject Toppers |
To motivate to get Gold medals and cash prizes given on Graduation Day.
- To motivate to get mementos and cash prizes given in department functions.
- Encouraging them to take part in Research Activities.
- Motivating them to take part in national level competitions for projects.
- Encouraging them to take part in co-curricular activities in national and international venues by offering 50% of total expenditure.
Students with First Class |
Motivation to continue Excellency.
- Encouragement to get nationwide exposure.
- Motivating them to attend conferences, workshop, and other co-curricular activities.
Quality of student projects
(Quality of the project is measured in terms of consideration to factors including, but not limited to, environment, safety, ethics, cost, type (application, product, research, review etc.) and standards. Processes related to project identification, allotment, continuous monitoring, evaluation including demonstration of working prototypes and enhancing the relevance of projects. Mention Implementation details including details of POs and PSOs addressed through the projects with justification)
Project team and supervisor mapping process:
- Students are allowed to form the team, based on their interest area
- The strength of the team may vary from 2 to 4, not exceeding 5
- An area of specialization is collected from each team such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence,IOT,Web Development etc
- Area of interest from the faculty members also has been asked.
- Mapping process is carried out between student team and faculty members’ specialization.
Project identification:
- The students may be attracted to the specific area by the following reasons,
- Industrial visits
- In-plant training
- Guest lecture were conducted by the student association and professional societies such as IE, CSI, ISTE.
- Seminars, symposium and workshop are also conducted in the home network and other institutions.
- Students perform the literature review based on the specific area.
- Finally, they identify the proposed work based on the literature review.
Monitoring mechanism:
- The student’s has to report on their project status to the concerned supervisor
- Initially conducting the 0threview and further 3 more reviews are conducted.
- A model viva voce examination on project work is conducted before the end semester
- The students should give a power point presentation during the
- Review panel consists of project coordinator, supervisor, and faculty experts.
- A project team will submit the project report in the prescribed format given by the
- The guide lines for preparing the power point slides and report preparation are issued to the students.
- An end semester project viva voce is conducted with the panel of internal and external examiners. The external examiner from other institution / university is appointed by the controller of
Demonstration of prototypes:
- The students will demonstrate the working prototype models during the project review and end semester
Enhancing relevance of the project:
- Outcomes of the projects are encouraged to publish as a paper in conference / journals
Initiatives related to industry interaction
- Invited lectures are conducted to the students by inviting experts from IT industry. These lectures results in lively discussion thus imparting current state of the art knowledge to the students and faculty
- Online live lectures by experts from International industry are arranged for the students to acquire a global knowledge in analytical courses like Data Science,IOT and ML which motivates them to involve in research,
- Workshops are conducted for the students by the technical experts from industry to acquire and update the technical skills required for the current trends.
- Industrial visits are arranged for the students to give exposure on the industrial environment and work
Internships, Summer training or In plant training
- Students are allowed to undergo 2, 4, 6 or 12 weeks of internship at Research Organizations / Government Training Institutes / Public Sector Units / Reputed Academic Institutions / Reputed Industries/ Industry Oriented Courses / Online Courses between Semesters 6 and 7 and Semesters 7 and 8 during the summer/winter vacation and can earn 1, 2 or 3 credits respectively in lieu of industrial
- The industry / organization is to be selected with the approval of the department consultative
Training at CSE – Continuing Education Centre
- The students are motivated by the faculty members, to take up online certification MOOC courses according to their areas of interests in NPTEL lectures, Coursera, Saylor academy, webinar from NI
MoU’s signed with industries to emphasize on:
- Internship
- Project workshop for students
- Industrial visits
- Student’s specific training
- Faculty Development Program
Sl.No. |
Name |
Funding Agency |
Fund Applied (In Lakhs) |
Application Date |
Status |
1 |
Upgradatio of C and DS lab to High performance Computing Lab- MODROB |
20.62 |
To be applied on 2020 |
In Process |
- Computer Programming Lab 1-3
- Network Lab
- Database Lab
- Microcontroller Lab
- AI Lab
- Image Processing lab
- IoT Lab
- Language Lab
Year |
2012 – 16 |
2013 – 17 |
2014 – 18 |
2015 – 19 |
Appeared |
166 |
173 |
98 |
181 |
Passed |
125 |
145 |
84 |
159 |
Pass % |
75.3 |
84.3 |
85.2 |
87.85 |