• Entrepreneurship Development Cell was setup at the Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology, University (GIETU), Gunupur to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in India. Experience and expertise at Entrepreneurship Development Cell in the areas of management, innovation, technology networks along with entrepreneurship provide the necessary impetus and intellectual basis for this initiative.
  • We comprise of faculty, alumni and students of Entrepreneurship Development Cell, mentors and service providers from the industry who span a variety of functional areas and geographies and are passionately committed for helping disruptive innovations and aspiring entrepreneurs succeed commercially.
  • E-Cell is primarily responsible for fostering entrepreneurship amongst students and assisting budding entrepreneurs by providing them with necessary resources.

Objectives of the Entrepreneurship Cell:

  • To act as an institutional mechanism for providing various services including information on all aspects of enterprise building to budding S&T entrepreneurs.
  • To inculcate a culture of innovation driven entrepreneurship through student projects.
  • To respond effectively to the emerging challenges and opportunities both at national and international level.


  • To organize Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes and Skill Development Programmes in the college/institution for the benefit of backward persons.
  • To initiate five innovative student projects each year for new innovative product development.
  • To organize Business Plan Competitions every year.
  • To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support system, information on technologies, etc.


List of Entrepreneurship programme

Sl. No. Date Name of the Programme Sanctioning Authority
Academic Year: 2013-14
1 23/12/2013 Entrepreneurship Building Program GIMS, Gunupur
Academic Year : 2014-15
1 20/09/2014 Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme-2014 GIMS, Gunupur collaboration with MSME
2 19/03/2015 Sensitization Program for Youth for Self-employment through Micro-Enterprises RIC, Rayagada
3 26/09/2015 A Workshop on Entrepreneurship by Alumni GIMS, Gunupur
Academic Year : 2015-16
1 6/8/2015 Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme-2015 GIMS, Gunupur
2 20/11/2015 Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through incubator. MSME, CUTTACK
3 30/03/2016 Odisha Youth Innovation Fund Scheme RIC, Rayagada
4 7/4/2015 National Entrepreneur Summit by GIMS, Gunupur


Sl. No. Date Name of the Programme Sanctioning Authority
Academic Year: 2016-17
1 7/7/2016 Entrepreneurship talk by Mr. Shrusti Ranjan(COO of 4 spots,Baharain) GIMS, Gunupur
2 25/10/2016-27/10/2016 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person:Mr.abhishek Khamka(CEO,Temple thally eventKart),Bhubaneswar collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
3 26/01/217-28/01/2017 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person :Mr. T. Vidya sagar(Vice president,J.K Paper Mills) collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
4 25/02/2017-28/02/2017 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person :president fidelity industry,Mumbai collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
5 11/03/2017-13/03/17 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person :Dr.B.V.R Gupta, collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
6 28/03/2017-30/03/17 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person :Mr.Jitendra Singh,RCPL collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
Academic Year: 2017-18
1 7/7/2017 EAC programme by GIMS Gunupur, Resource person: Mr. Vidya sagar General Manager,Tikiri Alumina P.V.T Ltd
2 13-09-2017 Start up programme with odisha start up & India startup Mr. Mayank Jindal(Chief General Manager,J.K Paper Lltd)
3 21-01-2018 EAC programme by GIMS Gunupur, Resource person: Mr. Bijayananda debta CEO, Booking Done collaboration with NSTEDB ,EDI
4 11/3/2018 Sensitization Program for Youth for Self- employment through Micro-Enterprises RIC, Rayagada,Odisha


Sl. No. Date Name of the Programme Sanctioning Authority
Academic Year: 2018-19
1 14-11-2018-16/11/18 Entrepreneurship talk by Mr. Anurag Mishra Estino Energy pvt ltd,Mr.Bijaya Sutar Train Guru Bhubaneswar DST NIMAT,EDI
2 13/12/2018-15/12/2018 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person:Mr.Ayush agrawal ,Entrepreneur,Lecture notes,Mr.A Harsh Vardhan Wedmist tech Pvt ltd collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
3 14/01/2119-16/01/2019 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person :MrT.Vidya sagar(Vice president,J.K Paper Mills) collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
4 20/02/2019-22/02/2019 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person :Ms s.Pooja (CEO,Fasttech fashion solution) collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
5 13/03/2019-15/03/19 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur, Resource person :Mr.Abhijeet sahu(CEO,Overtees) collaboration with NSTEDB DST NIMAT,EDI
Academic Year: 2019-20
1 6/9/2019 One day awareness workshop on IPR at GIET University Resource person: Mr. N V Saisunder, Ms. Shyamolima Sengupta Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) Project Room – F Udyog Bhawan
2 13-09-2019 Start up programme with odisha start up & India startup Mr. Mayank Jindal(Chief General Manager,J.K Paper Lltd)
3 21-11-2019 EAC programme by GIET Gunupur: Mr. Bijayananda debta CEO, Booking Done collaboration with NSTEDB ,EDI
4 5/2/2020 One day awareness workshop by MSME director:Mr.S.K sahoo on SME MSME-DI cuttack
5 6/3/2020 Sensitization Program for Youth for Self employment through Micro-and small Enterprises RIC Rayagda
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