Department of Civil Engineering

Research Publications

Faculty Publications from 2016 to 2019

Sl.No Name of The Faculty Desiganation Title Of The Paper Name of The Journal/ Conference/Seminar Date Of Publish Vol NO & Issue NO Page NO
1 Dr. P.B.Mishra,
Mr. S S Bisoyi
Assoc. Prof Weighted Frequent Multi Partitioned Itemset Mining of Market-Basket Data using MapReduce on YARN Framework IEEExplore 2016 978-1-5090-5515-9/16
2 Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Professor Nyström Approximated Temporally Constrained Multisimilarity Spectral Clustering Approach for Movie Scene Detection IEEE Transcation of Cybernatics 2017 DOI :10.1109/TCYB. 2017.2657692 01-12
3 Dr.Neelamadhab Padhy Asst Prof. Utility of an Object Oriented Reusability Metrics Indian Journal of Science and Technology (indst) ,Scopus,WoS(Thomson Reutor) 2017 Volume 10, Issue 3, January 2017 01-09
4 Dr.Neelamadhab Padhy Asst Prof. Estimation of Complexity by Using an Object Oriented Metrics Approach and Its Proposed Algorithm and Model Inderscience (Accepted),Scopus, ACM,Compendex [formerly Ei] (Elsevier) etc. 2017 01-23
5 Dr. Neela Madhab Padhy Asst Prof. Identifying the Reusable Components form Component-Based System:Proposed Metrics and Model Information system Design and Intelligent Applications 2018 DOI :10.1007/978-918-13-3338-5_9
Spinger Nature
6 Dr. Neela Madhab Padhy Asst Prof. Software resuability metrics predication by using evolutionary algorithams International Journal of Knowkedge-based & inligent Engineering system 2018 DOI :10.3233/KES-180390 IOS Press.
7 Dr. Neela Madhab Padhy Asst Prof. Utility of an object-oriented metrics component: examining the feasibility of. Net and C# object-oriented program from the perspective of mobile learning International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation ,Inderscience 2018, vol-12 263-279
8 Mr. Rajiv Senapati Asst Prof. VoLTE Cell Capacity Estimation Using AMR-WB Codec ICACCI,IEEE 2018 DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2018.8554462
9 Mr. Rajiv Senapati Asst Prof. Impact of HARQ on VoLTE Cell Capacity for
Mixed Radio Condition in Duplex Mode
Electronics Letters 2018 DOI: 10.1049/el.2018.5622 Volume: 54 , Issue: 25 1460 – 1462
10 Mr. Rajiv Senapati Asst Prof. Modeling the Region-based VoLTE Cell Capacity Estimation using Resource Optimization IET Communications 2019 DOI:  10.1049/iet-com.2018.5695
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