“ROOTS OF ODISHA FOUNDATION” welcomed and encouraged

GIETU welcomed and encouraged the team, “ROOTS OF ODISHA FOUNDATION” for their Longest Community Cycle Tour “TOURDEKALINGA”. On their visit to GIETU campus, a social awareness program was organised to remove various social evils prevalent in the society. “ROOTS OF ODISHA FOUNDATION” in association with CRESPAI, is organising the Longest Community Cycle Tour “TOURDEKALINGA” from 8th December to 20th December, 2019 from Bhubaneswar to Koraput to Bhubaneswar. 40 National and International Cyclist chosen from them will be part of the longest 13 days Cycling expedition.
The aim of this cyclothon is to ensure participation cutting all across age, profession, position, to give back to the community their efforts, time and energy to remove various social evils prevalent in society. 5 teams guided by their respective captain will campaign the Social Causes they are associated with this cycling expedition such as plant a tree, say no to plastic, save the girl child, education for all, Say no to Tobacco. (Source: TOURDEKALINGA Official Page)

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