B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)



Tech in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialisation in Data Science (DS) is a new, rapidly growing field that consists of a set of tools and techniques for extracting useful information from data. Data Science is taught as an interdisciplinary, problem-solving curriculum in which students learn to apply scientific principles to real-world challenges.

To address complicated issues analytically, the course curriculum combines data inference, algorithm development, and technology. The curriculum teaches a combination of skills in three primary areas: mathematics, technological hacking, and business strategy and acumen.

The ultimate application of massive data in innovative ways to generate commercial value is at the heart of this curriculum. Hidden insights are revealed, allowing businesses to make better business decisions. During the preparation of datasets and programming of data analysis tasks, the Data Science programme emphasises practical classes and self-study.

Data is ubiquitous, and it is growing at a greater rate than it has ever been. Data Science has arisen as a primary subject of study and research due to the exponential growth of data and information obtained from it. In the digital era, data science has emerged as a critical component, and it continues to be the most important technology driving the whole business landscape.

The Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering (CSD) with a specialization in Data Science is a four-year programme. Data Science is a combination of significant fields such as mathematics, computer programming, statistics, and design that is used to manage digital data successfully. The programme is a cutting-edge pedagogy developed to fulfil the growing demand for competent Data Scientists around the world.

Computer engineering is a fast-paced field with far-reaching implications. The discovery and implementation of powerful new methods for collecting, curating, analysing, and making discoveries from large-scale data are known as data science.

Big data is a term used to describe large amounts of complicated data that are difficult to manipulate and comprehend using typical processing methods. Data science is one of the most important new disciplines of the twenty-first century, focusing on the concepts, methods, and applications for extracting meaning from large amounts of data.

This new programme, B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science), has a dual goal: to provide solid foundations in Computer Engineering while also introducing Data Science and the new tools it provides to manage massive amounts of data in order to help us better understand and, hopefully, solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges in medicine and health, energy and the environment, economics and politics, and many other areas.

As data science has an impact on all sciences, business, and our daily lives, the employment potential and career options are vast.

  • Intake

Advantage of the programme:

The programme is beneficial in many ways. One of them is attaining conceptual knowledge. Here are a few concepts that will become clear throughout the programme:

  • Statistics, data mining, data warehousing, and data visualisation are examples of approaches and theories linked to data science.
  • To clean and process the data, use the Python programming language.
  • Utilize cloud infrastructure to implement data-intensive computing techniques.
  • Create an intelligent data management system using evolutionary computing approaches.
  • For large data analysis, use data analytics tools and visualisation tools to generate the required or necessary outputs.

Educational Goals of the Program:

The Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science (Data Science) program’s educational goals are as follows:

  • Professional Development- Train graduates to be effective in implementing modern computer science practises in data science and cyber security management to meet the needs of businesses in the international market.
  • Professional Skills- The program enhances graduates to continue to gain and display the professional skills required to be productive employees, assume leadership roles, and have a successful and satisfying career.
  • Professional Attitude and Citizenship- Train graduates to be productive citizens who uphold high ethical and professional standards, make solid engineering or management decisions and are enthusiastic about their profession and professional development.

At GIETU, we focus on creating outcome-based programmes. In an attempt to do so, we have a few pointers that we are sure our graduating students will be able to do after completing the programme.

  • Engineering knowledge: Solve complicated engineering problems using knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering foundations, and an engineering specialism.
  • Problem analysis: Using foundational principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences, identify, formulate, study research material, and analyse difficult engineering problems to achieve justified findings.
  • Design/development of solutions: Create solutions for difficult technical challenges and system components or processes that meet the given requirements while taking into account public health and safety, as well as cultural, sociological, and environmental factors.
  • Conduct complicated problem investigations: Apply research-based knowledge and research procedures such as experiment design, data analysis and interpretation, and information synthesis to reach valid results.
  • Use of modern tools: Create, choose, and apply relevant methodologies, resources, and current engineering and IT technologies to complex engineering processes, including prediction and modelling, while keeping in mind the restrictions.
  • Engineers and the community: Assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues, as well as the duties associated with professional engineering activity, using reasoning informed by contextual knowledge.
  • Environment and sustainability: Demonstrate knowledge of the need for sustainable development by understanding the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts.
  • Professional ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and standards of engineering practice.
  • Individual and teamwork: Work well as an individual, as well as a member or leader in a variety of teams and multidisciplinary situations. Communication: Communication: Communicate well with the engineering community and society at large on complicated engineering operations, such as being able to grasp and create good reports and design documentation, give and receive clear directions.
  • Project management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of engineering and management principles and apply them to one’s own work, as a team member and leader, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary situations.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the necessity for independent and life-long learning in the broader context of technological change, and have the preparation and capacity to engage in it.
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